Tuesday, April 7, 2009


We had a guest come in, Juan Capistran, and work with us on a meme project. We broke into teams and created memes that hopefully will go viral. Try some of them out!

Word Jumble!

Yass, Cynthia + Val

a) choose first word of the first 5 news feeds on ur home page. (including typos)

b) put them together in order to create a sentence.

c) google that sentence and go to images.

d) pick the 5th image u find 

e) add the image to ur facebook and caption it with that sentence then tag the 5 friends.

Youtube image meme:

danielle, Vanessa, Jung, Maya

1. Go to YouTube
2. Go to "Most Viewed for the week"
3. Take the head from the first character you see
4. Take the body from the second character
5. Take the background from the third one you watch
6. Find the music related video and have your characters singing the song
7. Combine
8. Upload to Facebook and tag your friends!

So you wanna be a designer?
Facebook quiz

Take the quiz here!

by Amy Shimoshige, Satsuki Shibuya, Adrianne Read

Hazel taking our quiz

Davey taking our quiz as Satsuki supervises the quiz-taking

by Aaron, Mike, & Suzanne

Commemorate the day's hottest internet trends by making your very own culinary concoction of pop culture and random images. Here's how:

1. Google "sandwich" and choose your favorite image.

2. Pick five numbers between 1-100.
3. Go to www.google.com/trends, and go to "'Today's Hot Trends." Click "More Hot Trends", and you will see a list of 100. Pick out the five trends from the list that correlate with the five numbers that you just chose.
4. Google each trend and choose your favorite image from the first page.
5. Now you can create your very own personalized DAILY ZEITGEIST SANDWICH!
6. Just don't forget to put the date somewhere, and post your visual feast for all to see.

You sure as hell won't find this shit at Quizno's.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Week 11: Field Trip!

Originally uploaded by SHIMOSH

We had a field trip to the Postopolis! event at the Standard in downtown LA to see Michael Dear speak. Then we hung out and talked about grad school. 'Twas a good night.DSC_7078

Davey driving!

Michael Dear is a Professor of Geography at USC & he talked about how LA was built differently than other major US cities and argued that it is no longer the exception, but the rule by which cities are structured: from the fringes of the city inwards and a city center built afterwards.

Satsuki & Mike after the lecture. something was really funny.


all smiles!